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Ceòl a’ ghiotàr air a chluich le fìor eòlaiche.
On this album Chaz plays electric and acoustic guitar, piano, keyboards, jaws harp, organ and even manages to sing lead vocal on two songs. He has also drawn on the talents of Nick Turner, who recorded, produced and worked the drum tools, Andy Allan on bass guitar, Mary Ann Kennedy on harp and backing vocals, Eileen Hester on backing vocals, Blair Douglas on accordion and organ, and Steve Lawrence on percussion.
The Angel Falls
Chaz Stewart
Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC
Ceòl a’ ghiotàr air a chluich le fìor eòlaiche.
On this album Chaz plays electric and acoustic guitar, piano, keyboards, jaws harp, organ and even manages to sing lead vocal on two songs. He has also drawn on the talents of Nick Turner, who recorded, produced and worked the drum tools, Andy Allan on bass guitar, Mary Ann Kennedy on harp and backing vocals, Eileen Hester on backing vocals, Blair Douglas on accordion and organ, and Steve Lawrence on percussion.