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An treas clàr a rinn Iseabail NicAsgaill aig an robh, agus tha, meas mòr aig daoine. Chaidh an clàr seo a riochdachadh le Blair Dùbhghlas agus thug e a-steach luchd-ciùil iomraiteach airson taic a chumail ris an guth seinn àlain aig Iseabail.
In this, her third album, Ishbel is at her very best.
"There are many records by fine Gaelic singers but Ishbel MacAskill's 'Sioda' would have stood out even in a vintage year. She has a strong voice with a distinctive timbre and a compelling style." Alasdair Clark, The Scotsman.
Ishbel came from the Point area of the Island of Lewis. She was brought up with the rich heritage of centuries old Gaelic music and song which still survives in Point and indeed all over the Island of Lewis. Her particular style of unaccompanied traditional singing, her numerous radio and television performances and countless world-wide live appearances established her position as probably one of the best internationally-known Gaelic singers.
Her singing took her to venues throughout the UK, Ireland, Europe, Asia, Canada, USA and Australia. Her recordings are always in demand at home and abroad and significantly, sell to people who have never before heard the Gaelic language. Whether her audience was Gaelic speaking or not her English introductions to these centuries old songs of love, war, sea and landscape, exile and life itself made each one a memorable experience.
Her profound respect for the tradition was gently balanced by a humorous irreverence in her witty observations on the reality of Highland life and culture.
Ishbel was deeply motivated by the rich beauty of her heritage of Gaelic music and poetry. She was especially moved by the intensely emotive quality of the poetry and, through her unique delivery, managed to convey to her audiences a feeling of involvement in the colourful history and culture of the Gael.
Isbhel died at her home in Inverness on 31 March 2011.
Download lyrics and translations for the songs here.
Ishbel MacAskill
Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC
An treas clàr a rinn Iseabail NicAsgaill aig an robh, agus tha, meas mòr aig daoine. Chaidh an clàr seo a riochdachadh le Blair Dùbhghlas agus thug e a-steach luchd-ciùil iomraiteach airson taic a chumail ris an guth seinn àlain aig Iseabail.
In this, her third album, Ishbel is at her very best.
"There are many records by fine Gaelic singers but Ishbel MacAskill's 'Sioda' would have stood out even in a vintage year. She has a strong voice with a distinctive timbre and a compelling style." Alasdair Clark, The Scotsman.
Ishbel came from the Point area of the Island of Lewis. She was brought up with the rich heritage of centuries old Gaelic music and song which still survives in Point and indeed all over the Island of Lewis. Her particular style of unaccompanied traditional singing, her numerous radio and television performances and countless world-wide live appearances established her position as probably one of the best internationally-known Gaelic singers.
Her singing took her to venues throughout the UK, Ireland, Europe, Asia, Canada, USA and Australia. Her recordings are always in demand at home and abroad and significantly, sell to people who have never before heard the Gaelic language. Whether her audience was Gaelic speaking or not her English introductions to these centuries old songs of love, war, sea and landscape, exile and life itself made each one a memorable experience.
Her profound respect for the tradition was gently balanced by a humorous irreverence in her witty observations on the reality of Highland life and culture.
Ishbel was deeply motivated by the rich beauty of her heritage of Gaelic music and poetry. She was especially moved by the intensely emotive quality of the poetry and, through her unique delivery, managed to convey to her audiences a feeling of involvement in the colourful history and culture of the Gael.
Isbhel died at her home in Inverness on 31 March 2011.
Download lyrics and translations for the songs here.