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Clàr eile bhon chòmhlan iomraiteach a thug seachad bliadhnaichean a' cluich air feadh Alba agus thall thairis.
According to Folkworld, this is "a very harmonious album, taking the listeners mind away into day dreams. Without doubt one of the memorable Scottish releases of this year."
Cliar's repertoire is steeped in Gaelic traditional songs from Scottish Highland traditions. The songs, tastefully accompanied, are rounded up by three sets of tunes. The album has a beautiful range of enchanting slow numbers showcasing the outstanding voices of the three singers, as well as more energetic songs and tunes.
Gun Tàmh
Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC
Clàr eile bhon chòmhlan iomraiteach a thug seachad bliadhnaichean a' cluich air feadh Alba agus thall thairis.
According to Folkworld, this is "a very harmonious album, taking the listeners mind away into day dreams. Without doubt one of the memorable Scottish releases of this year."
Cliar's repertoire is steeped in Gaelic traditional songs from Scottish Highland traditions. The songs, tastefully accompanied, are rounded up by three sets of tunes. The album has a beautiful range of enchanting slow numbers showcasing the outstanding voices of the three singers, as well as more energetic songs and tunes.