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Mairead, Donnie agus Noel air ais còmhla an dèidh iomadach bliadhna, le taghadh de na h-òrain a dh'fhàg Na h-Òganaich cho aithnichte, le stiùir bho Mick MacNèil a bha aig an aon àm a' cluich còmhla ri Simple Minds.
Long-awaited brand new album from the legendary Gaelic group, Na h-Òganaich: Margaret MacLeod, Donnie MacLeod and Noel Eadie. Produced and Engineered by Simple Minds' Mick MacNeil and mastered at Abbey Road, London.
"Revival albums are not just about nostalgia, though what’s wrong with nostalgia? They also offer a new generation access to songs and sounds that pass the test of time.
Two men with guitars plus a young woman singer was not a cutting-edge formula by most 1970s standards. Yet it reflects how set in its ways Gaelic song had remained that Na h-Òganaich were seen as something truly radical in that world.
Where they led, others followed. Donnie Munro has said: “They really influenced us all, gave us new ideas and blazed the trail of possibilities.”
Na h-Òganaich also brought with them the wonderful songs of Murdo MacFarlane, “Bàrd Mhealaboist”, which might otherwise have remained unsung. Today, they are Gaelic classics.
So whether you are looking back or looking forward, there is much here to enjoy and appreciate.
‘S math gun do lean iad fhathast………GUN STAD!" Brian Wilson, Mangersta, December 2009
Gun Stad
Na h-Òganaich
Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC
Mairead, Donnie agus Noel air ais còmhla an dèidh iomadach bliadhna, le taghadh de na h-òrain a dh'fhàg Na h-Òganaich cho aithnichte, le stiùir bho Mick MacNèil a bha aig an aon àm a' cluich còmhla ri Simple Minds.
Long-awaited brand new album from the legendary Gaelic group, Na h-Òganaich: Margaret MacLeod, Donnie MacLeod and Noel Eadie. Produced and Engineered by Simple Minds' Mick MacNeil and mastered at Abbey Road, London.
"Revival albums are not just about nostalgia, though what’s wrong with nostalgia? They also offer a new generation access to songs and sounds that pass the test of time.
Two men with guitars plus a young woman singer was not a cutting-edge formula by most 1970s standards. Yet it reflects how set in its ways Gaelic song had remained that Na h-Òganaich were seen as something truly radical in that world.
Where they led, others followed. Donnie Munro has said: “They really influenced us all, gave us new ideas and blazed the trail of possibilities.”
Na h-Òganaich also brought with them the wonderful songs of Murdo MacFarlane, “Bàrd Mhealaboist”, which might otherwise have remained unsung. Today, they are Gaelic classics.
So whether you are looking back or looking forward, there is much here to enjoy and appreciate.
‘S math gun do lean iad fhathast………GUN STAD!" Brian Wilson, Mangersta, December 2009