Mary Smith
“Ma bhios sgiath airgid air a’ghealaich, faodar an t-arbhar a ghearradh.” Chaneil mòran dhaoine a tha eòlach air an t-seinn aig Màiri nach aontaicheadh gu robh làn àm ann an t-arbhar a tha seo a bhuain. Na measg, mar a bhiodh dùil, tha sàr òrain à sgìre Nis agus à grunn sgìrean eile ann an Leòdhas. The a ‘ bhuaidh mhaireannach a thug na bliadhnaichean a chuir i seachad a-measg nan Uibhisteach follaiseach cuideachd.
Tha i a’ seinn le doimhneachd tuigse air a dualchas agus le co-fhaireachdainn do chuspair gach òran, bhiodh e èibhinn no tiamhaidh no tursach.
Mary Smith or Màiri Nic a’ Ghobhainn is from the Ness district of the Isle of Lewis. Her voice and delivery exude sheer quality, and the songs she sings are at once wonderfully authentic and enchanting. This, her second release, is a treasure-house of songs and, as you'd expect from Mary, her singing is sublime.
"Among Mary Smith's many talents is the ability to make you listen to even the most familiar song as if you were hearing it for the first time. She sings with a profound understanding of the Scottish Gaelic song tradition and with a deep respect for both the creator of the song and the tradition bearer who kept it alive and passed it on." (Jo MacDonald)