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‘S ann à Barraigh a tha Maeve ged a chuir i seachad bliadhnaichean a' teagasg mus do ghabh i ri dreuchd air Foghlam Alba. Tha guth brèagha tlachmhor aice agus 's e taghadh de dh’òrain sònraichte a th’ aice air a’ chlàr seo.
This is the first album by National Mòd Traditional Gold Medallist, Maeve MacKinnon. From Barra, Maeve taught for many years before taking up a post with Education Scotland. Steeped in Barra traditions, Maeve has put together a great blend of traditional Gaelic songs with very tasteful backing from great musicians including Blair Douglas, Dougie Pincock and Stevie Lawrence.
Fo Smuain
Maeve MacKinnnon
Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC
‘S ann à Barraigh a tha Maeve ged a chuir i seachad bliadhnaichean a' teagasg mus do ghabh i ri dreuchd air Foghlam Alba. Tha guth brèagha tlachmhor aice agus 's e taghadh de dh’òrain sònraichte a th’ aice air a’ chlàr seo.
This is the first album by National Mòd Traditional Gold Medallist, Maeve MacKinnon. From Barra, Maeve taught for many years before taking up a post with Education Scotland. Steeped in Barra traditions, Maeve has put together a great blend of traditional Gaelic songs with very tasteful backing from great musicians including Blair Douglas, Dougie Pincock and Stevie Lawrence.