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Ceòl dannsa aighearach le còmhlan ealanta. Dlùth-cheangal aig Jennifer ris an Eilean Sgitheanach. Chaneil e na iongnadh mar sin gu bheil blas gu math Gàidhealach air a’ cheòl seo.
"Over the years, many people have asked me about a band CD, and at long last, time has allowed for this to happen. The album has been compiled with favourite tunes and sets from over the past years."
Jennifer Forrest, June 1998
The Skye Connection
Jennifer Forrest and her Scottish Dance Band
Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC
Ceòl dannsa aighearach le còmhlan ealanta. Dlùth-cheangal aig Jennifer ris an Eilean Sgitheanach. Chaneil e na iongnadh mar sin gu bheil blas gu math Gàidhealach air a’ cheòl seo.
"Over the years, many people have asked me about a band CD, and at long last, time has allowed for this to happen. The album has been compiled with favourite tunes and sets from over the past years."
Jennifer Forrest, June 1998