Calum Lamont (Reel)
Single Music
Regular price £0.79
The Clappers (Pipe Jigs)
Afghanistan (Lament)
Barn Dance (2/4 Marches)
Lonesome Eyes (Slow Air)
Gneil's Welcome To Strathnaver (6/8 March)
Malcolm Ferguson (Waltz)
3/4 & 4/4 Pipe Marches
An t-Eilean Muileach (The Isle of Mull) (Slow Gaelic Air)
Gaelic Medley (Slow Waltzes)
Gaelic Country
Two Broken Hearts (Slow Sad Gaelic Airs)
Mar a tha (The Way Things Are) (Slow Gaelic Air)
Macleods' Reels
The Inevitable Journey (Reel)
Stella's Courage (Slow Air)