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Ceòl fìdhle ealanta agus Gàidhealach air a chluich le fìdhleirean a fhuair oideachadh bhon sàr neach-teagaisg, Dòmhnall Riddell.
A Highland Fiddler features music from the teachings of the late Donald Riddell, one of the most influential players and teachers Scottish fiddling has ever known. Many of the tunes are Donald's own compositions, the others are those with which he had such success in bringing on the playing of his pupils. A superb album of the peak of fiddling, by Donald's famous pupils Duncan Chisholm, Iain MacFarlane and Bruce MacGregor
A Highland Fiddler
Duncan Chisholm, Iain MacFarlane, Bruce MacGregor
Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC
Ceòl fìdhle ealanta agus Gàidhealach air a chluich le fìdhleirean a fhuair oideachadh bhon sàr neach-teagaisg, Dòmhnall Riddell.
A Highland Fiddler features music from the teachings of the late Donald Riddell, one of the most influential players and teachers Scottish fiddling has ever known. Many of the tunes are Donald's own compositions, the others are those with which he had such success in bringing on the playing of his pupils. A superb album of the peak of fiddling, by Donald's famous pupils Duncan Chisholm, Iain MacFarlane and Bruce MacGregor