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A’ chiad chlàr a rinn Cliar. Chaidh fhoillseachadh aig toiseach 2000 agus a' nochdadh air a' chlàr seo bha Art MacCarmaig, Mairi-Anna NicUalraig, Ingrid NicEanraig, Brùs MacGriogair, Chaz Stiùbhart agus Magaidh Dhòmhnallach.
This is the February 2000 debut release from the band, which won the award for Best Album at the inaugural Scots Traditional Music Awards in 2003.
Featuring traditional and Contemporary Gaelic Song and Highland Music with Arthur Cormack (Gaelic Song), Ingrid Henderson (Piano & Clàrsach), Mary Ann Kennedy (Gaelic Song & Clàrsach), Maggie Macdonald (Gaelic Song), Bruce MacGregor (Fiddle) & Chaz Stewart (Guitar), this is their debut album, and has already been described by one BBC presenter, Anne Marie Middleton of Celtic Connections as "the album of the year so far".
Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC
A’ chiad chlàr a rinn Cliar. Chaidh fhoillseachadh aig toiseach 2000 agus a' nochdadh air a' chlàr seo bha Art MacCarmaig, Mairi-Anna NicUalraig, Ingrid NicEanraig, Brùs MacGriogair, Chaz Stiùbhart agus Magaidh Dhòmhnallach.
This is the February 2000 debut release from the band, which won the award for Best Album at the inaugural Scots Traditional Music Awards in 2003.
Featuring traditional and Contemporary Gaelic Song and Highland Music with Arthur Cormack (Gaelic Song), Ingrid Henderson (Piano & Clàrsach), Mary Ann Kennedy (Gaelic Song & Clàrsach), Maggie Macdonald (Gaelic Song), Bruce MacGregor (Fiddle) & Chaz Stewart (Guitar), this is their debut album, and has already been described by one BBC presenter, Anne Marie Middleton of Celtic Connections as "the album of the year so far".