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Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC
Clàr cho mòr-chòrdte ‘s a nochd bho chionn mòran bhliadhnaichean. Puirt agus òrain tarraingeach agus Blàr a’ cluich aig fìor àrd ìre. Chan eil nas fheàrr ann.
We have come to expect the unexpected from Blair. His albums are ahead of their time, breaking new ground in the interpretation of Gaelic music. They exude confidence and class and while bringing us music and song which embraced influences from other cultures, demonstrate the ease with which Blair operates within his natural element - the Gaelic cultural tradition.
The compositions in both ancient and contemporary idioms from Gaelic cultures are represented, as are those which echo some of the world's other traditions. To this add Blair's consummate skill as a musician and the result is irresistible
Faic bhidio shampall air youtube / Blair Douglas' youtube sample
A Summer in Skye
Blair Douglas
Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC
Clàr cho mòr-chòrdte ‘s a nochd bho chionn mòran bhliadhnaichean. Puirt agus òrain tarraingeach agus Blàr a’ cluich aig fìor àrd ìre. Chan eil nas fheàrr ann.
We have come to expect the unexpected from Blair. His albums are ahead of their time, breaking new ground in the interpretation of Gaelic music. They exude confidence and class and while bringing us music and song which embraced influences from other cultures, demonstrate the ease with which Blair operates within his natural element - the Gaelic cultural tradition.
The compositions in both ancient and contemporary idioms from Gaelic cultures are represented, as are those which echo some of the world's other traditions. To this add Blair's consummate skill as a musician and the result is irresistible
Faic bhidio shampall air youtube / Blair Douglas' youtube sample